Consensus Process in a String Network With “POA” Protocol ( Proof of Attendance )

8 min readJun 18, 2022



A smart, accurate and secure consensus process is introduced by the Proof of Attendance protocol, owned by Bersipa Institute of Technology, among the world’s best crypto networks. In this consensus process, which is used in the string network, the private nodes are the initiators of the triangles in the strings and build the network according to the rules.

When the last triangle is made in a string, it takes 6 seconds to make the next triangle. During this time, the network must determine how the next triangle will be formed, and how it will be formed.

For this purpose, the network uses the POA protocol. This protocol has 6 seconds after the end of each triangle to recognize the top private node in the online and active triangle and allow it to build a block.

Let us explain this protocol by referring to an example in the string network :

Figure 1: String network and random string selection (string number three)

The diagram above is a simple diagram of the nature of the string network. In order to know how this protocol works in this network, we must first separate a string from the network as a sample string and examine the protocol in that string.

When we separate a string, we hypothetically name each triangle in that string. For example, the first triangle is called T11 and the rest are named the same way.

To fully understand the subject, we also name two private nodes by default and with completely hypothetical names, PN46, PN73, and so on.

In the string network, unlike what happens in the bitcoin network in the production of a block, which is accompanied by a minor reward and the selection of a miner as the initiator of the new block, there is no miner status in this network and the coins are marketed with PoS protocol, so private nodes do not receive a reward for starting a triangle in a string, but they can increase their chances of earning more profit on a monthly basis because the string network rewards are based on the coinomics distribution system that discussed earlier.

The grid has been formed up to triangle number ten, and the string number three is selected by default. The triangles in the network of strings are given six seconds to exist, and everything in the network happens during that time. In other words, there is only 6 seconds for the system to select the top 90 to start the next string triangle and allow it to do so. The purpose of this security issue is to reduce the ability of hackers to exploit the network. After every 6 seconds due to the lifetime of a triangle expiring, all of the events of that triangle are recorded and then transferred to the network history. No hacker will be able to change them.

A speed transaction and the rapid selection of the top 90 together require a highly developed technology capable of improving both security and speed while minimizing network impact. Thus, string networks can implement attendance proof protocols with their own technology thanks to the proof of attendance protocol.

Let’s assume we are in an interval between X and X6. A triangle operates on the strings during this time period. Here we put the assumption as we said before to end triangle number 10 and start triangle number 11. The interval X to X6 is taken to be the life interval for triangle T11. Hence, when we reach triangle T10, the network must take a decision on which node should create triangle T11. It should be based on the POA protocol and the three principles. The proof of attendance protocol includes the following five principles:

1- Attending one of the last courses

2- Attend at least 24 seconds before the last triangle

3- Attendance in the last triangle

String Attendance

1- Attend in the penultimate string:

The basic requirement for a node to fulfil the requirements in order to construct the triangles, is to be present in the penultimate string.

It means the first time PN46 node is building a triangle in line in the string number 3, it should have been actively present in its upstream string subjected to transaction approval and shouldn’t have taken part in creating the previous triangle. The function of this protocol ensures that nodes can begin building triangles and play the role of a leader in each triangle by proving series of obvious, presentable records, which reduce the chance for hackers or fake nodes that are seeking to attack the network.

The second condition that is needed in the Proof of Attendance protocol is:

“The 24 second security-approval protocol.”

The protocol states that if PN46, as the leader in string 3, intends to construct the hypothetical triangle T11, it must have left a trace of its activity in the network within the last 24 seconds, and confirmation of this procedure in Security Protocol №3 subject to the approval of transactions without the construction of any other triangles.

3- The third protocol is the attendance in the last triangle.

The protocol expresses that a node that wants to start the next triangle must prove that it is active in the current triangle, i.e., it must have a transaction in the current triangle approved by the network. For example, if node PN46 wants to start triangle T11, it must be present in triangle T10 and have a transaction approved by the network.

4. The POA protocol has a rule for each node that expresses: if a node starts a triangle, the other 90 to 10 triangles in the network will not be allowed to start triangles for another minute, and that node will not be allowed for another minute. A typical node will approve transactions in the leadership role of the network. With this security protocol, one node can’t play a dominant role in the network for a long time and endanger network security, while it is also possible for many nodes to function in the network, which decentralizes the network. for example:

Assume that node PN46 initiates T11, node PN73 initiates T12, and node PN14 initiates T13. Keep in mind that all the names of nodes and triangles are hypothetical and random.

If node 46 starts triangle 11 in string number 3, it will not be able to start a triangle for one minute which is equal to 10 triangles. After creation of ten triangles, it will have the eligibility to start a new triangle. This means that node 46 does not have the right to request being a leader until the end of creating triangle number T22 and can only play the role of a regular confirmer. In the same way, for node 73, if it is the starter of T12, it will lose the possibility of being the leader until the end of creating triangle T23. This will greatly help both the security and the decentralization of the network.

5- The fifth security protocol in proof of presence is the protocol of time of presence of 34%. The protocol states that if one node is involved in 34% of transactions in one string, that node will not be able to operate in the next string. This means that, for example, if PN46 node hypothetically plays a role in confirming transactions from one hundred thousand transactions in the third string to 34,000 transactions, it will automatically be removed for higher security than the next string, string number four. This node can work again in field number five.

6- The sixth security protocol of proof of presence is the time protocol of 5%. This protocol states that a node in the case of a 24-hour activity with the highest activity coefficient, can be the maximum triangle that starts in a string will be about 10% of the total triangles in a string. This protocol does not allow even the most secure and active node to operate more than 5% to build triangles in a string to ensure higher transaction and decentralization and security.

This means that a node in the string grid will never be able to triangle more than 5% in the grid if it achieves the highest time and performance coefficients. In this way, a node with the highest coefficient of performance and online presence in the network of strings, in each discipline can ultimately operate in 34% of transactions and 5% of making triangles. However, achieving this level seems very difficult and far-fetched given the other conditions of the POA protocol because the network reacts strongly to focus and network artificial intelligence is based on decentralizing the network.

7. In addition to the maximum restrictions in this protocol, there are also minimum restrictions in the network. The first minimum limit for nodes in the network is the transaction approval in the network. In each field of the string network, each node must be active in at least one tenth of the percentage of the total transactions entered into the network in that field and have approved the transactions.

For example, if one hundred thousand transactions are entered into the network in a string, a private node must have played the role of one of the verifiers in at least 100 transactions.

8- It is noticeable that there is no maximum time limit for any node in the network and a node can be online and work as long as it reaches the defined limit of activity in the network. Conversely, the second minimum limit for nodes in a string network is the time limit, meaning that one node must be active in the network for at least 6 hours per week. (This is communicated and scheduled to the nodes through the private node system and its specific protocol)

9- The next limitation in the string network is the transactions that are done by the nodes themselves. In this way, the nodes have a specific address and wallet identified in the network (the nature of the name and surname of the person is unknown) through which the address of the node in the network is known. Now, if this node performs the transaction itself, the node itself will not be able to confirm its transaction.

In addition to the fact that the node itself will not be able to confirm its transaction, all nodes that had the same transaction confirmation in the duration of the past 60 minutes before the intended transaction will not be able to confirm the transaction.

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