8 Ways to Gain Sipa Coin
Bersipa coin, the first String network cryptocurrency with amazing capabilities that have been mentioned before, can be obtained from 2023 in eight ways, which are as follows:
1- Private sale:
According to the official whitepaper announced by the Bersipa Foundation, 16% of the total coins of this large String multi-project will be sold through a private party on November 23, 2022, in Dubai, Emirate, which is attainable by proponing invitation. Individuals or legal entities, companies, or public or private organizations can apply to attend this private party via the following email to receive an invitation card after their qualifications are being reviewed.
The minimum purchase amount in this private sale will be ten thousand dollars and the maximum will be one hundred thousand dollars.
The base price for the sale will be $ 0.7. The total amount allocated for this private sale will be 10,656,000 thousand coins equivalent to 7,459,200 thousand dollars.
All profits from this private sale will be spent on project development and string network servers.
2- Installing a wallet:
In mid-December 2022, the wallet will be launched and entered the market. By installing the Bersipa wallet, 2 Bersipa coins will be automatically added to the wallet balance. Also, by sharing the join link and creating the account of the invited person in Bersipa wallet, another Bersipa coin will be added to the subscriber wallet. This plan will continue for 2 years or until the end of the amount of 100,000 Bersipa coins that are allocated for this reason.
If a person wants to sell their Bersipa coin, it will be possible in two ways. Until the free trading of the coin opens in the market, anyone who wants to sell their Bersipa coins can sell them for $ 0.8 in the DEX of Bersipa wallet, which will probably be July 2023.
To convert to Dex Bersipa, the required amount for each swap will be at least $ 20 of Bersipa cryptocurrency. If the value is less than $ 20, the person must either attract more Bersipa to sell by introducing more to others and providing an invitation code or wait until July, when the market opens in exchange offices.
3- Public sale:
According to Bersipa Tokonomic, 5% of this currency will be available for sale to the general public in a Bersipa wallet via Dex from January 6 to 20, 2023. Accordingly, buy each unique wallet address with a minimum of 100 GEL and a maximum of 2,000 USD equivalent to Coin Bersipa. The base price for this offer will be one dollar and can be purchased with Bitcoin, Atrium, and Tetra currency pairs. Due to the ability to be decentralized and no need for authentication, any person anywhere in the world without authentication can partiBersipate in this public offering by installing BSIP. The total coins that will be sold in this public offering will be in the set of 3,330,000 coins and will be offered for one dollar from January 6 to 20, but if some of the coins have not been sold on this date, the price will be from January 21, 2023, The Bersipa base will increase to $ 1.2 for the remaining coins.
4- Staking:
Stacking is the process of asset retrieval to reward and assist transaction verification operations of a blockchain that is widely used in networks that follow the POS mechanism. Bersipa wallet provides a space on its platform where users can deposit six cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bersipa, FTX, Iota, and BNB in exchange for Bersipa coin, each of which has its own coefficient and formula. Yes, earn money
5- Lending:
A lending system of digital currencies is a loan that is given to users by pledging the password of certain currencies. In other words, digital currency lending has a function similar to peer-to-peer lending; That is, where borrowers and lenders connect to each other through an online digital currency lending platform. In Bersipa wallet, like any other professional trading platform, you can receive Bersipa coins by pledging the specified currencies and with a certain coefficient every year.
6- Airdrop and advertisement:
One of the most popular ways to advertise in the world of technology is to award prizes in exchange for promoting a project or working on social media. By installing Bersipa wallet or partiBersipating in AirDrop programs announced by Bersipa Foundation, you can get Bersipa coin, each of which has a special amount and conditions that can be provided over time through the specialized or social networks of this foundation.
7- Activity as a Private Node:
The string network is the first network that validates both public and private nodes to achieve the goal of decentralization and increase network security. Public nodes, which will be a compulsion for users to operate in the network that anyone who wants to transfer currency in this network or work with BPV, should be very easy and convenient and in a fraction of a second, with three confirmations of transactions in the network, Obtain permission to operate as a public user. This is a proven process for network decentralization, but to perform the final transaction confirmation, the string network will need the approval of private nodes, which will be called in Jul-September 2022 to attract private nodes. Private nodes receive rewards in two ways with the final approval of transactions on the network. At first, they will receive Bersipa currency as a profit for 10 years, and after ten years, the nods’ profit will be provided from the income of Bersipa wallet Dex and the income system of Bersipa Foundation technologies. The full description is in the article “Private Nodes Revenue System in String Network”.
8- Purchase from the market:
Those who have not been able to acquire Berspia Quinn from November 2022 to July 2023 through the 7 methods mentioned above, can buy there from July 2022 onwards, when the trading chart of this currency opens in exchange offices. However, due to the unique technology of the string network and the various products of this network, its trading chart is expected to be at a higher price than the prices offered in the past few months on other platforms. The lowest price forecast is $ 0.5, the highest price forecast is $ 66, and the average price that people predict, according to the theory that people have about the Bersipa cryptocurrency in a Twitter post where they were asked about the Bersipa price on the charts. It has been around $ 4, which shows how profitable it can be to buy Bersipa in the initial public offering, private party, steak, or wallet development with the invitation code.